Behind The History of The Majapahit Kingdom

The Majapahit was one of the great kingdoms that existed in the Nusantara between the 14th and early 16th centuries. It was founded by Raden Wijaya, who later became King of The Kertarajasa Jayawardhana, in 1293.

Before the rise of The Majapahit, The East Java region was ruled by the Kngdom of Singhasari. In 1292, however, the Kingdom of Singhasari suffered defeat in the battle against the Mongol forces led by Kubilai Khan that were sent to conquer Singhasari. Raden Wijaya, a Singhasari nobleman, sees this situation as an opportunity to seize power.

Raden wijaya was conspiring with the Mongol forces led by Commander Noyan. He offered assistance to the Mongol forces against the Kingdom of Singhasari. However, after the Mongol forces defeated Singhasari, Raden Wijaya betrayed and killed the Mongol forces inside his palace.

After discharging the Mongol forces, Raden Wijaya established a new kingdom named Majapahit in 1293. He became the first King Majapahit with the title of Kertarajasa Jayawardhana. The region of Majapahit originally lay in the vicinity of Trowulan, East Java, but then grew into a vast kingdom, covering much of modern Indonesia and regions in The Malaya Peninsula, Sumatra, Kalimantan, and The Southern Philippines.

Under the rule of the tributes of Kertarajasa Jayawardhana and his successors, The Majapahit reached his zenith. The Majapahit became a powerful cultural, economic, and political center in The Nusantara region. It is known for sophisticated systems of government, strong military forces, and advances in art, literature, and architecture.

By the 15th century, however, The Majapahit began to suffer setbacks. Internal conflicts and disagreements of succession cause the growing growing power to weaken. In addition, attacks from outside such as the invasion of the islamic forces from Demak also affected the collapse of The Majapahit.

Eventually, in the middle of the 16th century, The Majapahit broke down and his power split into several small Kingdom in The Nusantara region. Though it has long since ended, The Majapahit remains remembered as one of the greatest empires in Indonesia’s history and has a powerful influence on cultural development and nusantara history.

The Advance Majapahit Government System Affect its Zenith

The advanced systems of government in The Majapahit played a key role in attaining its zenith. Here are some aspects of the majapahit government system that influence its greatness:

 1. Centralized Systems: Majapahit applied a powerful centralized system under central government. The King Majapahit was considered a god incarnation and had absolute power. The king ruled through structured bureaucratic systems with high officials such as Patih (prime minister), Maha Patih (deputy prime minister), and Bupati the regions. This system enables the central government to effectively control large areas and to maintain political stability.

 2. The Feodal System: The Majapahit also applied the feudal system, where the kingdom was divided into small stakes ruled by the local nobility. These nobles act as valah Kings, giving tribute and serving the central government. The feudal system strengthened the central government by building a broad network of power and ensuring obedience from distant regions.

3. Dasa Sila: dasa sila is a set of ethical principles that serve as guidelines for the majapahit government. These principles encompass such virtues as justice, wisdom, faithfulness, obedience, and discipline. Laws are enforced in the system of government, administration, and majapahit. These principles help to maintain social order, to avoid corruption, and to improve overall government quality.

 4. Economic System: The Majapahit has an advanced economic system. The central government regulated the production and trade of such commodities as spices, metals, and luxuries. The Majapahit also applied an efficient tax collection system. Revenue from trade and taxes is used to finance governments, infrastructure projects, and the military. The success of this economic system gives the majapahit and offers great financial stability.

 5. Foreign Policy: Majapahit has an intelligent foreign policy. The Majapahit made diplomatic relations with neighboring countries and arranged political weddings to strengthen ties with other kingdoms. They also used military powers to expand the empire and control the trade routes in The Nusantara. These wise foreign policies helped the majapahit gain political and economic advantages and maintain regional stability.

Through these sophisticated systems of government, The Majapahit gained victory by controlling vast areas, building a prosperous economy, and becoming a thriving cultural center. However, other factors such as internal conflicts and external attacks also play a role in the downfall of majapahit

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