The Power of Unggah-ungguh


           Upside is a Javanese term that refers to rules and manners in speaking and interacting with others. The term describes the courtesy and respect that should be noted in the Javanese culture.

          Some of the Unggah-ungguh principles in Javanese cultures include:

 1. Ngoko and Kromo: Javanese has two levels of language used depending on the context and the relationship between the speaker. Ngoko is used to talk to younger, peer, or lower rank, while Kromo are used to talk to older people, higher status, or in formal Settings.

 2. Greetings: polite greetings are used in the Javanese culture as a form of respect. Generally, the javans adopted the term "father" or "mother" and followed by a designated first name. For example, "Mr. Slamet" or" Mrs. Siti". The terms "mas" for men and "mbak" for women are also used for younger or younger people.

 3. ACTS of speech (tindak tutur): polite speaking and respectful speech are important in javan culture. Using polite words like "matur nuwun" (thank you) and "sampun" (already) in sentences is a much appreciated gesture.

4. Comity and respect: unggah-ungguh also involves showing honor through body movements and behavioral ethics. For example, bowing to a handshake with an older person or giving a seat to those who are older or have higher status.

 5. Avoiding conflict: one of the most important principles in the Java culture is to avoid conflict and maintain harmony in interacting with others. Using soft language and avoiding harsh or insulting expressions is a valued gesture.

          The world's leading role in poverty can be seen from poverty and poverty. By honoring and practicing our best, we can maintain good and harmonious relationships with others in everyday life.

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