Be Amazing with Tenets of Javanese Wisdom


      Of course, it is important to remember that not all javans share the same view, and this advice reflects only a few of the values that are often valued in Javanese culture. Here are some javans' advice that you may find helpful:

 1. "Ing Ngarsa Sung Tuladha, ing Madya Mangun Karsa, Tut Wuri Handayani."

      That is, in the front sets an example, in the middle builds the spirit, in the back gives support. This advice emphasizes the importance of setting a good example, building a united spirit, and supporting one another through life.

 2. "Urip iku Urup." 

      That is, life is fire. This advice teaches the importance of living with enthusiasm and enthusiasm and appreciating each moment given.

 3. "Sejatine Kang Nyata iku Nyatane Ora Nyata." 

    That is, the real real is the invisible. This advice teaches the importance of looking beyond one's physical appearance and seeking deeper truths.

 4. "Sabar, Nyuwun Sewu, lan Wani."

    That is, be patient, apologize, and be brave. This counsel teaches the importance of being patient in the face of challenges, apologizing when making mistakes, and having the courage to take appropriate action.

5. "Uwuh Basa, Uwuh Budaya, Uwuh wewarah."

      That is, identify the language, identify the culture, identify the customs. This advice teaches the importance of learning and honoring the language, culture, and tradition of others asa form of appreciation for diversity.

    Remember that these advice represents only a fraction of the wisdom of Java. The Javanese culture and traditions are rich and complex, and they are very useful.

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