Popular Food in Java Part 1


         Java has a rich variety of flavor and aroma. Some popular dishes in Java include:

1. Java-fried rice: traditional Javanese cooking rice usually includes cooked and Fried rice with such ingredients as Onions, garlic, cooking, sweet sauce, and other spices. Sometimes, java-fried rice is also served with eggs, chicken, or crackers.

 2. Gudeg: this particular item of jogyakarta is made of young bristles prepared in coconut milk with sugar, laurel, galangal, and other spices. The gudeg is usually served with rice, chicken suwir, eggs, tofu, tempe, and crescous thicket.

 3. Chicken Soup: chicken soup with a clear broth that is rich in spices such as lemongrass, orange leaves, ginger, and garlic. Java chicken soup is usually served with white rice, chicken slices, boiled eggs, bean sprouts, and Onions.

 4. Rawon: rawon is a dark-stew stew made with spices such as clutter, Onions, garlic, bristles, and turmeric. Rawon is usually served with white rice, bean sprouts, salted eggs, and chili peppers.

 5. Liwet Rice: green rice is cooked with coconut milk and spices such as laurel, pepper, galangal, and onion. Liwet rice is usually served with side dishes such as Fried chicken, fish, or beef jerky, as well as with vegetables such as Siamese pumpkin, eggplant, or cassava leaves.

       In addition to the above dishes, many Java have a colorful, appetizing flavor. Javanese cuisine is famous for its rich variety of spices and spices that give ita unique flavor and flavor.

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