The War Strategy of The Kingdom of Java 2


2. Ancient Indian Combat Strategy Modification

      In the imperial era, Hindu - Buddhism romanticism  has given birth to many of the epic literature in the nusantara. Not only are cultural products rich in meaning, even war strategies discussed so energetic and aesthetic. So it's not too much if the Indian Literature is closely related to the literature in Indonesia.

      It became the thread (read: important note) that the spread of Hinduism in ancient India helped open a dialectical gate to some views of deity and war. The ancient Indian war strategy was carefully modified until it formed a famous aculturation with the name Sama-Bheda-Danua.

   Sama means seeking a synergy of vision and mission or Allies in the war. The more Allies join forces the stronger. Then Bheda was very similar to divisive politics like the Netherlands against Indonesia. In practice, it is broken down and deflated by its power from within ethnic, cultural, to religious issues. Next up is the Danua or attack. When the kingdom was divided against one another (Divide the sheep), then a frontal attack was launched for the dream victory.

To be continued!

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