Post-Eruption of Mount Semeru


East Java, - Mount Semeru is the highest mountain on the island of Java. Has a lavender field panorama up to the famous lake Ranu Kumbolo. That mesmerized the climbers over and over again. But since the eruption last Saturday, it is now only volcanic ash that breaks trees, tearing down houses and cutting power lines.

Almost the entire house in Supiturang Village, the Pronojiwo District was severely damaged because it contained volcanic ash. Residents looked to rush to save their remaining possessions and livestock. Given the severe condition of the homes, residents have been displaced.

Ministry of health reported casualties in the growth of Candipuro, Lumajang District, east Java has 98 serious wound and 13 victims died. Victim suffered burns from exposure to heat clouds and volcanic ash materials. Most were then treated to hospitals in Lumajang District, East Java.

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