Merapi Learn from Semeru


Central Java, - Malang, East Java have not finished the eruption of Mount Semeru, now the volcanic mountains "Merapi", Central Java are on high alert. Its position in the center of the island of Java is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. It should be at the border of Central Java, Magelang District and Yogyakarta.

Granted, Monday (6/12/2021) at 4:09 p.m., the Mount Merapi launches a hot breeze. According to BPPTKG (Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kebencanaan Geologi) data, the growth of the lava dome in the volcano is still sporadic because of the accumulation of magma pressure. And the thermal glide ranges about 1,800 meters to the southwest. Lava blast and a potential heat cloud lead a maximum of three miles / 3 km toward The Woro River and five miles / 5 km toward The Gendol River, Kuning, Boyong, Bedog, Krasak, Bebeng and Putih.

People are encouraged to stay alert and not engage in activities in potential danger areas. Especially the danger of cool lava when it rains all over the flaming mountains. Ganjar, the Governor of Central Java also requests all elements of vigilant society as volcanic activity increases. "Don't take risks and Learn from Semeru," he asserted.
"From today I am warning you, amid the harsh rainfall conditions, especially those around the streams will please stop mining for sand, because the situation is already a matter of salvation" he says.

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