ASTHABRATA: Wisdom of The Leadership of The King of Java


Central Java - Culture is one of the gateway to behavioural of its people and to define the color of leadership. Leadership needs the cultural understanding of the people he leads when dealing with political development. Inspiring to the process of choosing leaders.

According to Pardi Suratno (2006) in his work the leader according to Astabrata, Wulang Reh, Tripama, Dasa Darma Raja, the term 'astabrata' is from ancient Javanese. Astha comes from Sansekerta, astha means "eight". The word asta also means to bring or to hold. From the word asta can be shaped to making, it means to hold. And brata has new vocabulary from the old Javanese word for "laku". The word "laku" can also be defined by an attitude or character.

Asthabrata may be defined as "eight behaviors or character." It could also mean action or hold; where it is hold is the country. So, Asthabrata can be defined as the eight qualifications and requirement for holding state or government.

A king as a symbol of leadership in the Java culture must have eight behaviors, qualities or characteristics, that refer to the existence of eight heroes, namely, Indra, Yama, Surya, Candra, Bayu, Kuwera, Baruna, and Brahma.

To be continued...

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